RCAPP RKCL Certificate in Advanced Python Programming


The RKCL Certificate in Advanced Python Programming (RCAPP) course is designed for those who want to deepen their Python skills. This course covers advanced topics, including building high-performance applications, handling concurrency and multi-threading, and using proven design patterns. You’ll learn to tackle complex programming challenges and enhance your coding efficiency.

Throughout the course, you’ll explore object-oriented programming, modules and packages, and advanced Python libraries. You’ll also work on real-world projects, including handling files, images, PDFs, and even sending and receiving emails with Python. This course is provided by Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL), ensuring a quality learning experience. By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with advanced skills to excel in the technology industry and handle sophisticated programming tasks with confidence.

Course Objective

The RKCL Certificate in Advanced Python Programming (RCAPP) aims to:

  1. Master Advanced Python Concepts: Teach advanced Python techniques, including concurrency, multi-threading, and design patterns, to build high-performance applications.
  2. Deepen Understanding of OOP: Provide a thorough understanding of object-oriented programming, including inheritance, polymorphism, and special methods.
  3. Utilize Advanced Libraries: Enable practical skills in using advanced Python modules for tasks such as file handling, image processing, and working with PDFs and CSV files.
  4. Develop Real-World Applications: Equip learners to create and manage real-world projects, including handling emails, using Python decorators, and debugging code.
  5. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills: Strengthen problem-solving abilities by applying advanced techniques to complex programming challenges.

RCAPP Full Form : RCAPP Stand For RKCL Certificate in Advanced Python Programming

This courseby Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL), prepares participants to excel in advanced Python programming and tackle sophisticated projects with confidence.

Course Eligibility

Class 10 Pass with Basic Knowledge of Computers (RS-CIT Pass preferred)

Course Duration

90 Hours offline study

Course Fees

Rs 6000/- only per candidate

Course Certificate

Upon successful completion, a certificate will be provided by Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL).

Syllabus for Advanced Python Programming Course

Syllabus for Advanced Python Programming Course

This course teaches you advanced Python skills, starting from basic concepts and moving to more complex topics. You’ll learn how to build fast and efficient applications that can handle multiple tasks at once. The course covers Python data types, operators, and control statements, as well as how to use advanced modules and handle errors.

You’ll also work on real projects, including managing images, PDFs, and emails. By the end of the course, you’ll be skilled in using Python for more challenging programming tasks and creating sophisticated applications.

Here is the full syllabus for the course:

  1. Python Fundamentals
    • Course Introduction
    • Course Curriculum Overview
    • Why Python?
    • Command Line Basics
    • Installing Python (Step-by-Step)
    • Running Python Code
  2. Python Object and Data Structure Basics
    • Introduction to Python Data Types
    • Python Numbers and Simple Arithmetic
    • Variable Assignments
    • Introduction to Strings
    • Indexing and Slicing with Strings
    • String Properties and Methods
    • Print Formatting with Strings
    • Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, and Sets
    • Booleans in Python
    • I/O with Basic Files
  3. Python Comparison Operators
    • Comparison Operators
    • Chaining Comparison Operators with Logical Operators
  4. Python Statements
    • If and Else Statements
    • For Loops
    • While Loops
    • Useful Operators
    • List Comprehensions
  5. Python Methods and Functions
    • Methods and Documentation
    • Introduction to Functions
    • The def Keyword
    • Basics and Logic of Python Functions
    • Tuple Unpacking
    • *args and **kwargs
    • Practical Function Examples
  6. Python Project
    • Project 1
  7. Object-Oriented Programming
    • Introduction to OOP
    • Attributes and Class Keyword
    • Class Object Attributes and Methods
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Special (Magic/Dunder) Methods
  8. Modules and Packages
    • Pip Install and PyPi
    • Modules and Packages
    • __name__ and "__main__"
  9. Errors and Exceptions Handling
    • Error and Exception Handling
    • Homework and Solutions
    • Pylint Overview
    • Running Tests with Unittest Library
  10. Project 1
    • Introduction to Project
    • Card Class
    • Deck Class
    • Player Class
    • Game Logic (Part One and Two)
  11. Python Decorators
    • Overview of Decorators
  12. Python Generators
    • Introduction to Generators
  13. Advanced Python Modules
    • Python Collections Module
    • Opening and Reading Files (Python OS Module)
    • Datetime Module
    • Math and Random Modules
    • Debugger
    • Regular Expressions (Parts One, Two, and Three)
    • Timing Your Code
    • Zipping and Unzipping Files
  14. Working with Images with Python
    • Introduction and Working with Images
  15. Working with PDFs and Spreadsheet CSV Files
    • Introduction to PDFs and Spreadsheets
    • Working with CSV and PDF Files
  16. Emails with Python
    • Introduction to Sending and Receiving Email


The RKCL Certificate in Advanced Python Programming (RCAPP) course equips you with the skills needed for sophisticated programming tasks. By diving into advanced topics such as concurrency, multi-threading, and object-oriented programming, you’ll gain expertise in building high-performance applications. The course also covers practical skills like handling files, images, and emails, providing a comprehensive toolkit for real-world programming challenges.

Offered by Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited (RKCL), this course combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience. Completing it will not only enhance your coding abilities but also prepare you for advanced roles in the tech industry. It’s an excellent choice for those looking to boost their Python skills and advance their career prospects in technology.

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